Saturday 14 January 2017

Trump, Sex, Lies, Spies And A Golden Shower

You couldn't make this up even if you tried, the continuing lurid drama and almost daily flow of scandalous stories which seem to trail the U.S. President elect like flies to rotting fish seems more like something out of a very bad Spy novel or a 2nd rate Hollywood  Movie you know the ones that used to go straight to DVD back in the day
So now we have this latest dossier prepared  by an alleged ex M16 Intelligence officer Mr Steel (aka Mr now in hiding) which claims to have evidence of the President elect taking part in Golden Shower sessions with Russian prostitutes and just in case your wondering what a Golden Shower is, the official definition states that it's- an act of urinating on someone for sexual gratification..
The 35 page Dossier further goes on to claim that the Russian Intelligence service have gathered compromising information about some of  his shady business deals and  sexual perversions in an attempt to blackmail him

Mr Trump in his usual manner responded on Twitter by claiming it's all totally fake news:

Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans - FAKE NEWS! Russia says nothing exists. Probably...

So what is the truth? with a personality like Trump I suppose its hard to tell,  has he got reason to be worried about his presidency?  I  doubt it this saga is probably going to run for while like a Star Wars franchise but with the kind of voters he's got out there he could probably get away with mass murder and they'd still support him!!
I suspect this is more of an attempt by the political establishment to try and muzzle someone they probably regard as a loose cannon with an unpredictable Rottweiler like temperament who they never expected to get to the White House.

What I do find ironic is the fact that after successfully building much of  his presidential campaign on innuendos and fake news stories on Facebook it looks like the spider got caught in its own web. and as they say 'Those Who Live In Glass Houses Shouldn't  Throw Stones"

Anyway I'm out for now -  sic going back into hiding - we are certainly living in interesting times folks, do you find this whole situation one big bizarre joke or do you think it has much more serious implications.  please feel free leave your comments and views.


CNN News
Daily Mirror
ABC News


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